
Founded 1926

Co. Limerick

Fun Bingo Quiz

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Ahane Camogie Club held their annual Fun Bingo/Table Quiz in Herbert’s Bar on Friday 15th March. The night was a great success and enjoyed by a great crowd. There was fierce excitement as three of the six rounds went to a tie breaker question, with questions such as how tall is the Eiffel Tower in metres or how many millionaires were there on the Titanic. Each round had two games, you played for a line and/or the four corners with the winners receiving two bottles of wine and two Easter eggs. Raffle tickets were sold at the interval and the demand for raffle tickets was so high that they sold out of them and had to go get more!

The prizes on offer had all been kindly donated by the generous businesses and people of the parish and the surrounding areas. There were over thirty sponsors which the club are so very grateful for.

The night would not have been such a success if it was not for, John Franks who was the Master of Ceremonies for the evening, Rhoda and Donnacha Corrigan, and Amy McCormack who organised the questions, printed off all the answer sheets and called out the numbers. Their expertise and experience were invaluable.

Huge thank you to Blá, Dairmuid and the Herbert family for their continued support of the club. Blá once again put on a fantastic spread of food which was thoroughly enjoyed by the big crowd in attendance. The club would like to thank everyone who came out and supported the night on Friday and to anyone who sponsored a prize for the quiz or raffle the night would not have been a success without you all.

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